Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Bane of Bane Existence!

Ugh. Okay, it over.

Look, Bane know Bane not been around in while. Thing is...okay, Bane come out and say it: Bane real hard up for money. So Bane take to road to promote appearance in Infinite Crisis #7. Bane should have gone closer to release date, because no one really care. Bane go from comic book store to comic book store to show people Bane still tough like old leather glove, but no one care! *SIGH*

Bane stuck in Iowa for entire month! Bane run out of money and not able to pay for dinner at little cafe. They turn down Bane credit card too. Bane so mad Bane headbutt rotating pie case and it shatter. So now Bane have to wash dish to pay for dinner AND pie case. Bane wash so many dish, Bane think Bane ACTUAL dish, like in Beauty And Beast! LOL! Not really!

Bane get by at night sleeping in parking lot and eating runoff from grease dumpster. One day Bane manager yell at Bane for eating candle in kitchen (Bane not care, Bane love candle. One time Bane make birthday cake out of birthday candle, and YUM!). Bane get mad, hold manager sideways, and slam door on manager waist. He split in half! Bane then begin walking to home. It took long time. Bane finally back.

Sorry to keep readers waiting. Bane have e-mail to answer, and Bane answer them soon. Right now, Bane still have half bag of Andy Capp fries Bane left in August!

See you soon!


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